Faith, Love and Hope
Faith, Love and Hope is the theme of our stewardship campaign this fall. Throughout the next few weeks, some of our congregation members will share with you in videos what those words mean to them. We start with Doris Libben, who tells us what faith means to her. Our stewardship campaign supports the missions, outreach and operations of our church.
If you would like to contribute, you can do so online (one-time or recurring) here https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z6FJ/home or through our offering. Thank you for your support! We couldn't do all that we do without you.
Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Port Clinton
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! On behalf of the people who gather to worship, learn and serve at St. John Lutheran Church, we welcome you to our Web site as you learn more about our mission.
You are invited to come experience the unconditional love of God in Jesus as it is proclaimed, experienced and extended when we gather to worship. It is our church's desire to grow in faith, to participate in fellowship, and to serve others
We would enjoy getting to know you better and answering questions you might have about the Christian faith, or what Lutherans believe, or any specific practices of this Christian community. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Once more, in Christ’s name, welcome to St. John Lutheran Church. Come and join us as we seek to make Christ known.
The leadership of St. John Lutheran Church
Recent News & Events
Worship: Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You are invited to come experience the unconditional love of God in Jesus as it is proclaimed, experienced and extended when we gather to worship, to grow in faith, to participate in fellowship and to serve others. [More]
View our services on Facebook and YouTube
Disciple-Ship Quest: Moving towards God’s vision of “Growing Disciples of Jesus,” our creative Christian Ed Team has chosen the powerful name “Disciple-Ship Quest” for what was formerly called Sunday School and adult Bible classes. This multi-generational activity is offered on the second and fourth Sundays of the month after worship service. [More]
Disciple-Ship Quest
10:15 am
St. John @ the Bay: Come and worship at Mother of Sorrows Church where our Lutheran Mission, St. John @ the Bay, is developing an emerging worship community that shares the Gospel and grows discipleship in those who live, work and visit on South Bass Island. [More]
Narrative Lectionary: The Narrative Lectionary is a set of Bible readings for our worship that tells the over-arching biblical story in a nine-month period. These texts sound the voices of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Isaiah, Jesus, and Paul; and so enrich preaching and our life of faith.
Narrative Lectionary
At All Weekend Worship

We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America , whose offices are located in Chicago, Illinois
We are also partners with the 162 congregations of the Northwestern Ohio Synod. The offices of the NWOS are located in Findlay, Ohio.
Local ELCA congregations in Ottawa and Wood Counties share mission and ministry through the North Central Conference.
Our congregation also participates in the Port Clinton Clergy Association and it’s seasonal worship and service opportunities.
Online Giving...
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
[Proverbs 19:17]
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