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Disciples-Ship Quest

A New Name


Dis­ciple-Ship Quest: Mov­ing to­wards God’s vis­ion of “Grow­ing Dis­ciples of Je­sus,” our cre­at­ive Chris­ti­an Ed Team has chosen the power­ful name “Dis­ciple-Ship Quest” for what was formerly called Sunday School and adult Bible classes. This multi-generational activity is offered on the second and fourth Sundays of the month after worship service. DSQ includes scripture and a hands-on activity that benefits our congregation members and local community.

Faith is a journey.

Folks of all ages are on a quest that begins in the waters of Baptism, and continues throughout  life as we all seek to grow in faith and in our practice of the things that disciples do.  Many of which can be practiced during this hour dedicated to Christian nurture on Sunday mornings (for example Reading the Bible, Praying, Giving and Encouraging one another.)

Come Join Us!

On Sunday mornings at 10:15 am, there’s room for all on the Disciple-Ship Quest! People of all ages are welcome to join this multi-generational class for scripture and a hands-on activity that helps others.

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