St. John WELCA
We encourage all women to join one of our Circles. We study the Bible each month, and enjoy the social part of it as well. We also work on Lutheran World Relief Kits, Since our Circles are held on different days and hours, we hope you will join one of them.
Rachel Monthly Various locations Pam Boytim
And remember, you can also join in the work of the following groups:
Communion Bread Bakers 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Kathy Walls
Knitting Ministry 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Lorie Segaard
Quiltmaking Group 2nd Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.
The women of the WELCA are with these ministries as well:
Senior Dinner: for our congregation members who are 75 and older.
Soup and Salad Lunch: in September. This event funds most of our benevolent gifts.
Thankoffering Service: in November we plan and conduct two church worship services.
Funeral Luncheons: are served when requested to do so.