Word and Sacrament
WORSHIP: We returned to in-person worship in June. We ask that attendees wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between themselves and others not in their household group. For your safety, singing has been limited, and communion is offered in disposable containers to eliminate touch points. Certain pews have been roped off to help with physical distancing.
Saturday Evening Worship is a “Come As You Are” service at 5:00 p.m. that draws the Christian community to worship our Lord and Savior through the singing of contemporary music and the hearing of God’s Word in a casual, energetic and reverent atmosphere. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated each week. Our musical accompanist is Ethan Mandeville, and Jessica Segaard is our song leader. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have moved this service into the Parish Hall.
Sunday Morning Worship is held each week at 9:00 a.m.. The worship is fairly traditional, following the liturgy of Evangelical Lutheran Worship and includes music by our Senior Choir or special musicians or vocalists. (During COVID-19, Senior Choir and Handbell Choir have been suspended.) Holy Communion is celebrated at all services on Sunday mornings.
Please note that there are no changes for the Saturday evening worship schedule which remains at 5:00pm. So, keep this in mind as a worship “alternative” if you have plans for Sunday morning.
From time to time, we have set aside our normal Sunday liturgy, to provide an opportunity for a worship style that is a bit different. It remains Lutheran in content, following the four parts of worship, but with the music/songs lifted from an obviously different shelf of the “church music library.” This move is intended to provide an additonal way of worship that resonates with those who are “young at heart.” And the hope is that this will meet the need of those who are not presently found in our worship life with regularity and encourage them to discover the value of being to receive the gifts that God gives in worship.
Tune in to Sunday morning worship at 8:00 am on WGGN 97.7 FM. There is a one week delay in this broadcast.
Services also can be watched anytime on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SaintJohnLutheranPC and our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV8MCzq5eCXVKWTPlYmoaCg?view_as=subscriber.
St. John Lutheran Church is air-conditioned and has full handicap accessibility.
Midweek Worship is held during the Advent and Lenten seasons. Call the Church Office for times.